All Rolled Up in 2020

We have been a bit quiet on the posting front. In truth, I’ve been busy sewing face masks to stock up the shop as well as working on some new products for our gaming lines.

I wanted to post to you all about how we’ve been coping in the midst of this pandemic crisis.

All Rolled Up is a company that relies heavily on convention and show income. In the past six months, we have seen ALL of the events that we would have attended cancelled.

We were lucky to participate in a single January event—Con-Tingency. However, the other fifteen events we planned to attend haven’t happened or have gone solely online. A significant chunk of our income comes from these conventions and shows, so we have really felt the crunch just as have so many others.

Never ones to stay still and looking to use what skills and materials we had to hand, we were quick to diversify our product line to try and compensate. We now make unique, high quality, layered Face Masks for both adults and children.

We have developed a design that meets both UK and WHO requirements for a handmade mask. We felt it was important that the masks look good, fit well, and offered proper protection. We prepared for Brexit, so we had plenty of fabric in stock; it was a no brainer that we use this same quality material to make our masks.

We continue to stock and expand our standard product lines and have some exciting projects to work on this year. We thank all our licence partners for allowing us to continue to make products with their awesome art. We thank the retailers who carry our products in their stores and the customers who buy from our website.

This is a HUGE thank you to everyone who has supported us and continues to support us.

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